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We are having a meeting on how to make vtiger5 more robust. We are discussing about how to go about releasing the 5.0.x series and will hopefully will be able to publish the dates for these releases soon.

Then, we are working on encouraging patches and code-contributions from the community. All the new contributions are being reviewed and all contributions will be acknowledged and a status updated in the areas of post.

The intent of doing these is to ensure that vtiger5 remains a solid piece of software.

We are also reviewing all the ui and usability feedbacks given for vtiger5 and the necessary changes are being made.

Every post in the forum is being reviewed to ensure that there is no post which has not been looked upon even once still.

I feel by doing these, we will make the vtiger base more concrete.

We are also going to work on perf enhancements side by side.

Any changes that require db-changes will be taken up as a feature in 5.x only not in 5.0.x.