Fine-tune your bot for peak performance and better customer experiences

Bot Management is a centralized hub in the CRM to train, personalize, test, and improve the chatbot. It includes Bot queries, Bot setup, and Bot Analytics functionalities to ensure your bot performs efficiently and provides accurate responses to user queries. It also helps you improve the quality of your FAQs and articles simultaneously.

What is Bot Management in Vtiger?

The Bot Management page is a central repository of all GPT-related queries coming from users. It lets you analyze queries, improve responses, and generate insights to improve a bot’s performance.

Effortless Bot Setup for Simplified Training

Import FAQs, articles, and documents to train your bot with the latest information. Connect your bot directly to your knowledge base to ensure it delivers accurate and up-to-date responses. Test your queries instantly to see how the bot responds, ensuring it delivers the best possible answers.

Analyze all Bot Queries for performance monitoring

Capture all interactions between users and the bot. Review all user queries and bot responses. Mark them with appropriate statuses, such as accepted or rejected. This enables you to monitor the bot's performance to see how well it meets user needs. 

Gain Actionable Insights with Bot Analytics

Bot Analytics provides insights into bot interactions through visual charts and diagrams. These tools help you understand bot activity, track performance trends, and identify areas for improvement. Features like the Sankey Diagram visualize the flow and outcomes of user queries, making it easier to enhance the bot's effectiveness.

Customized Bot Responses with Prompt Builder

Create personalized instructions for your bot using the Prompt Builder. Write custom prompts to generate specific responses. Enhance the bot's ability to deliver precise and contextually appropriate responses, improving the user experience.

Learn more about Prompt Builder >>

Case studies

Why our customers love us

Sales Productivity

Breezway consolidates and automates its business processes with Vtiger, resulting in YoY sales growth.


Pactia uses Vtiger Workflows to automate its sales process to save time and focus on the more important tasks.

Customer Base Growth

GB Advisors customizes its CRM experience using Vtiger to scale up its customer base exponentially.

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