CRM for SaaS Companies

A simple & customizable CRM that enables SaaS companies to boost lead volumes, automate tasks, and hit growing sales targets.

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Software companies

Powering 300,000+ Businesses globally

Generate leads effortlessly

Capture leads and enquiries from website, social media, emails, phone calls, and events.

lead management

See where your most valuable leads come from

Spot channels and marketing campaigns that generate the highest number of leads & conversions. Refine your strategy and tweak marketing spend for the best results.

Spot your best leads

Use lead scoring to spot the highest quality leads to follow up with.

Assign leads in an instant

Auto-assign leads to sales reps based on territory, deal size, language, location and other parameters.

assign leads to teams

Nurture leads with email and text messages

Boost your lead engagement with email and SMS campaigns. Get notified if a lead opens an email campaign. Later, analyze open rates, clicks, bounces and unsubscribes to improve your messaging and targeting.

Schedule meetings in a few clicks

Schedule meetings from your online meeting link, and skip the back-and-forth emails. Automatic appointment reminders reduce chances of a no-show.

Have better customer site visits

Use the mobile app to plan & manage in-person meetings with navigation, check-in, and time tracking.

mobile app

Enjoy effortless document management

All sales decks, pitches, pricing and deal related documents are organized for easy access. Engagement tracking lets you see how people you send documents to engage in real time, down to the time spent on each page.

Visualize your pipeline and discover insights

Gain deeper insights into your pipeline. See open deals, territory performance and more with sales insights and custom reports. Schedule reports that get delivered right into your email inbox.

Collaborate and win more deals

Collaborate and work together with other users on deals, using on-deal @mentions, and built-in chat.


Don't let deals go cold

Alerts notify you about everything. Customer activity, upcoming tasks, mentions and more, so you always see what needs attention now.

Ready to think like your customers?

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A recognized leader and top-rated CRM for years