The perfect CRM for startups

When you are considering a CRM to power your startup with minimum costs and effort and will scale with you as you grow - Vtiger Cloud CRM fits the bill perfectly.

Do startups need a CRM system?

Things can be more than a bit hectic at startups - to put it mildly. When you are busy juggling a whole range of tasks, while building out your core business and driving growth all at the same time, focussing on the right technology to manage your sales process might get challenging. Customer relationship management (CRM) is rarely a priority for a new business, but this could be a costly mistake. 

Often startups end up with an assortment of sales and marketing applications that don’t integrate seamlessly. Managing this cluttered set of tools eats into precious time and resources that are better spent on fine tuning the offerings and focussing on actual selling. 

A CRM software can go a long way in alleviating the pain of managing so many tools. It centralizes your customer data in a secure and easy to access manner and lets you focus on your customers rather than waste time trying to track down customer data from multiple data sources.

startup business

What to look for when choosing a CRM for your startup?

When you are just starting out, your contacts and lead pipeline are arguably the most important data that you have. A CRM software will help you organize your contacts, identify opportunities, keep your communication organized, give you the reports you need, and most importantly save you time and money. 

While choosing a CRM solution for your business, look for simplicity. It can be enticing to go for a tool that gives you access to a wide range of features and capabilities but it is unlikely that you will use most of them. Investing in a tool that has an intuitive user interface, requires zero or minimal training and works well with other applications you already have is the smart thing to do. 

Here is a quick list of filters you can use to identify the right CRM for your startup: 

  • Fast setup and configuration: Look for an application that can be easily setup and configured to meet your business process flows and requirements. As a startup it is unlikely that you will have a dedicated IT team. A cloud CRM that can be configured intuitively will save you precious resources. 
  • Easy to use and administer: Go for a CRM that offers you an intuitive interface and is easy to for sales representatives and managers to use. When the team cannot quickly achieve the tasks they need to in the tool, it becomes more of an irritant than an asset. 
  • Has the right capabilities and features: More is not necessarily better when it comes to selecting a critical tool like a CRM for your startup. The solution you select should have the relevant capabilities that you need, and should be flexible enough for you to add or remove features you need to get the work done. 
  • Offers great customer support: Choose a vendor with an established track record for outstanding customer support. You do not want to be in the unenviable situation of discovering how critical this is, when you are unable to access essential customer data and there is nobody to offer you assistance. 
  • Can scale with you as you grow: As your business grows, your requirements will change and will become more complex. Sales teams will grow, lead and customer data will increase exponentially and your business processes will mature and possibly become more complex. Your CRM solution should be able to adapt and scale. 
  • Should be affordable: Check the pricing details for the CRM with care. Watch out for hidden charges and ballooning costs that increase suddenly when you cross usage or subscription slabs. Don’t just step in blindly because the vendor has a free offering, think ahead about how the next tiers will impact your budget. 

Capabilities to look for in a CRM software for startups

Contact Management

Does the CRM let you easily import and manage your business contacts? Tracking contacts across all stages of the lifecycle is critical to success. 

Opportunity Management

Can you track leads and opportunities easily as they transition through various stages of the buying process?

Email Marketing

Email marketing is the mainstay of most small businesses. Does the CRM make it convenient to configure and execute campaigns?

SMS Campaigns 

Opt-in SMS marketing campaigns can be a great way to get your business noticed and to stay connected with customers. Does your CRM offer integrations to support these? 

Built-in telephony

Does the CRM support an integrated no-hardware telephony solution? This is critical for sales teams to stay connected with their customers.

Reporting, Analytics, and Insights

Does the CRM make it easy for you to get insights into your customers and sales pipeline? A good CRM will have robust reporting capabilities with insightful analytics dashboards. 

Automation workflows

How easy is it to automate repetitive tasks in the CRM? Automation capabilities free you up from time consuming tasks and let you focus on customers.

Task management and Collaboration

As your business grows and processes become more complex, it is essential for multiple teams to collaborate around customer requirements. Does the CRM should make this seamless?

Mobile app

Customers and prospects need to reach you round the clock. Does your CRM have a comprehensive mobile app that your teams can use to be on top of their tasks?

Why is Vtiger the ideal CRM for your startup?

Easy to set up and use

You need to focus on things that matter to your business. Learning a complex tool isn’t one among them. Vtiger CRM is designed to have you up and running in a matter of hours. The intuitive interface is easy to use and administer without requiring an IT expert. 

Simple to configure and customize

Every business is different and you have unique workflows. Vtiger CRM makes it incredibly easy to setup custom pipelines and workflows that meet your requirements. You can automate and streamline your processes easily so all teams are working efficiently from a single view of the customer.

Exceptional support all the way

Vtiger’s award winning customer support and client success teams are available at every step to help you get the most out of your CRM investment.  From migrating your data from spreadsheets or legacy systems to architecting a custom solution to meet your very specific business needs, we will be your support system all along the way when you need us. 

Vtiger CRM has everything you need to get started

Effortless Lead Management

Vtiger CRM gives your team the power of built-in webforms, social media & telephony integrations to capture leads from a variety of sources - website, social media, emails, and phone calls. With effective lead scoring and workflows, your sales team can focus on leads that matter the most to your business without wasting resources.

Powerful Campaign Management

Connect with and nurture leads with personalized campaigns across a variety of touch points. From email, telephony, SMS to social media channels - Vtiger CRM provides a breadth of integrations and capabilities for you to reach out to and engage with your prospects. 

Intuitive Pipeline Management

Visualize, organize, & manage deals with customized views & filters. Kanban, List, Calendar and more views available at the click of a button.

Smart alerts keep you updated on deal activity and progress - proactively notifying you when a deal has stalled, so that you can swoop in and save the day.

Resolve customer issues instantly, improve support efficiency, and maximize customer satisfaction.

Impactful Automation

Using a manual process for repetitive tasks is inefficient and error prone. With Vtiger CRM you can create workflows for repeatable tasks. Automate repetitive tasks across your organisation from collecting leads, winning deals, providing support, and more based on specific criteria, triggers, and actions that need to be taken.

True One View of your customer

Customers want brands that can deliver exceptional experience across all touch points. Vtiger CRM captures all customer data and interactions in a single place, giving everyone on your team a complete, 360 degree view of the customer in real time. This ensures that your customers get the same awesome experience irrespective of whom they are talking to in your organization.

Exciting new mobile app

Our new mobile app brings the CRM with you even when you are on the move. Vtiger CRM's native mobile apps for Android and iOS are designed to be true companions to the web app. Capabilities that sales and support teams need to stay connected with and respond to customers are available in our apps so you are in touch.

Integrations with popular tools

How can you amplify the capability of your CRM? Integrating your CRM with other tools that you use helps to centralize all your customer data in a single location. Vtiger CRM integrates seamlessly with a huge range of popular tools ranging from marketing, social media to collaboration and beyond.

Increases sales productivity by 25%

"With Vtiger our sales manager, sales representatives, customers service and CEO have accurate and up to date information regardless of their location."

Boosts sales by 20%

"We now have a better handle on the business and are poised for easier continued growth through further exploitation of the rich feature set. I can always trust that when we need it there's great support on hand."

Contracting part of the sales process reduced from 2-3 months to less than 30 days

"We are using Workflows to handle a lot of our post-sales activities. This saves reps valuable time, allowing them to focus on the more important tasks."

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A recognized leader and top-rated CRM for years