Impactful Sales Collaboration with Microsoft Teams

Use the power of Vtiger CRM integration with Microsoft Teams to have your sales team collaborate effectively and without any friction. Your team gets access to the sales data it needs, on the go right inside one of the world’s most popular enterprise collaboration applications.

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Sales Collaboration on the go

Enable your team to collaborate with Microsoft Teams integration

Surface essential sales data right within chats and group conversations

Access and share real-time dashboards and updates from the CRM within Teams

Use the Vtiger Teams Bot as a digital sales assistant

Search. Share. Sell - faster

Team members can pull up leads and deal related information from Vtiger CRM right within their Microsoft Teams account. They can share this information with colleagues or prospects easily. With the ability to create and share audio or video meeting links with prospects, sales teams can ensure deals are closed faster, all from inside their chat window.

Win - with data driven insights

Customize dashboards and get sales and help desk insights you need to deliver exceptional customer experiences. Using the integration with Vtiger CRM, you can get real time updates on critical business metrics, insights on team performance, and insights into the sales funnel right within your chat window.

Use the AI edge to optimize

With the Vtiger CRM integration you can take your sales capabilities to the next level. For meetings you set up, Vtiger Calculus AI has the capability to analyze conversations and give you insights on effectiveness of the team member.

Get a personal digital sales assistant

The Vtiger Bot in your Microsoft Teams integration is practically your very own digital assistant that can help plan your day and keep you on top of actions that help you close deals faster. You can ask the bot to search for contacts or deals on various parameters. The bot can even scan your CRM agenda and plan your day for you.

MS Teams works with our FREE edition too

For Solopreneurs and small businesses who aren’t yet ready to use the full power of Vtiger One, we have enabled the Microsoft Integrations for our FREE Pilot Edition as well. Don’t let cost stand in the way of winning in the marketplace.

Case studies

Why our customers love us

Sales Productivity

Breezway consolidates and automates its business processes with Vtiger, resulting in YoY sales growth.


Pactia uses Vtiger Workflows to automate its sales process to save time and focus on the more important tasks.

Customer Base Growth

GB Advisors customizes its CRM experience using Vtiger to scale up its customer base exponentially.

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